留学生便り 「中国江西省からのレポート」 Report from Jiang-xi, China, 2012
Hou-Qun Yuan(2009-2011 米山奨学生)
I have been back to China for one year from Japan with the Doctoral Degree in Osaka University. During this one year, I always remember and miss everything and everybody I have met in Japan, especially Rotarians and the events which I have joined in Rotary Club, because this is the difference between other abroad students
and Yoneyama Scholars. As Yoneyama Scholars, we have more chance to know Japanese people and to know Japanese system. Here I would like to give a small report about our daily life.
I am working in the School of Science, Jiang-xi Agriculture University(江西農業大学), which is located in Nan-Chang city, Jiang-xi Province(江西省南昌市). Although the name of the university is related to agriculture, it contains science, engineering, economics, art, humanities, foreign languages, and so on. There are about 20, 000 students in the university, and there are chemical, physical, mathematical and biological departments in the school of science. I am working in the department of chemistry, and I am teaching Inorganic Chemistry. I have about 10 classes each week. Guang-ming Bao, my husband, who was a scholar of Toyonaka Club, is working in the department of animal science, and he has about 20 classes each week in this semester. He will go to Shanghai as a visiting scholar from this June to December.
I like to communicate with my students. They are interested in Japan very much, and most of them know some basic Japanese language because of Japanese animation, so they like to speak some Japanese with me, and like to ask me to teach them some Japanese Language. I always tell them the story which I have met/experienced/learnt in Japan, and the differences of the undergraduate school and/or system between Japan and China. It seems like that they are interested in Japanese things more than inorganic chemistry.
We would like to try our best to teach our students and we enjoy the university life very much.